Mariupol is not a city in Russia, but in Ukraine

Photo: A Facebook post refers to Mariupol as a “city in Russia,” however, according to international law, it is a city in Ukraine, which is under the occupation of Russia. Russia kept it...


In-depth stories

Macedonian “sovereignists” at the BRICS Summit — fascinated with Putin and spreading Russian propaganda

Photo: Canva Collage In a video published on the YouTube channel “Sloboden Svet” , members of the Makedonska era treta — suverenisti party, with...

Fact checks

It is not true that Russia has taken in more Ukrainian refugees than the United States, Britain, Poland, and Germany combined

Photo: Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay The post manipulatively claims most Ukrainian refugees have taken shelter in the aggressor Russia and that more refugees have moved there...

Investigative stories

Food as grounds and tool for disinformation and hybrid warfare

The disinformation front regarding food has become particularly strong with the beginning of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In May 2022, the Russian...



During the last quarter of 2023, various external actors continued to target the societies of Western Balkans with disinformation and related manipulation tactics, through...

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Anti-Disinformation Network for the Balkans – ADN Balkans

Latest articles

Mariupol is not a city in Russia, but in Ukraine

Photo: A Facebook post refers to Mariupol as a “city in Russia,” however, according to international law, it is a city in Ukraine, which is under...

The BRICS Summit—a compilation of professional news, propaganda, and disinformation

Photo: Website of the President of the Russian Federation / Sergei Bobylev, Host Photo Agency In focus of the reporting on foreign political topics...

Macedonian “sovereignists” at the BRICS Summit — fascinated with Putin and spreading Russian propaganda

Photo: Canva Collage In a video published on the YouTube channel “Sloboden Svet” , members of the Makedonska era treta — suverenisti party, with...

BRICS Summit: Russian “bricks” for a new “Chinese wall” of disinformation

Reflecting on the BRICS Summit, its Macedonian fans have shared their exaltation in relation to the West gaining a strong opponent that will abolish...

Moldova’s EU referendum and presidential elections

Moldova suffered under the Russian Empire and the USSR, while pro-Russian politicians such as Ilan Shor work on returning these “good old days,” and...

It is not true that Russia has taken in more Ukrainian refugees than the United States, Britain, Poland, and Germany combined

Photo: Image by Frauke Riether from Pixabay The post manipulatively claims most Ukrainian refugees have taken shelter in the aggressor Russia and that more refugees have moved there...

Telegram: Pro-Russian channels’ heaven, the topic of Kosovo mobilizes pro-Russian Serbian nationalists

Photo illustration by the Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub  In the last years, channels have appeared on the Telegram application that spread pro-Serbian and pro-Russian narratives...

BRICS SUMMIT IN KAZAN: Significant attention from Macedonian media outlets ahead of the event

As with any event related to the current geopolitical situation, more specifically the relations between the West and Russia, Macedonian media outlets have set...

Russian Foreign Agent Law takes roots in Georgia and Hungary

The Russian-style Foreign Agent Law now proliferates in other countries, which justify it on the grounds that it provides transparency for foreign funding and...

“” publishes several articles lacking factual support following Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections has shared several articles that are not backed by facts regarding the relationship between Kosovo's Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, and the U.S. President-Elect,...

Ukrainian MP does not call for punishment of children who speak Russian

In parts of Ukraine, the Russian language is rather present, while the post spreads a false claim from a Macedonian website that the Ukrainian MP Nataliya...

Manipulation about the church clash in Ukraine

Photo: Print Screen from video A Facebook post shares a clip, claiming it shows how Ukraine, led by Zelensky, violates religious freedoms and beats priests....