Ukrainian forces have invaded Russia’s Kursk region, and a Facebook post makes false claims that they are Western cannon fodder that aims to usurp Russia’s natural resources. However, the...
Russian propaganda tried to portray the fact that the Ukrainian government banned the Moscow-affiliated Orthodox Church as a “persecution of Christians” and as a...
This article by Ardit Kika was originally produced for and published by Kosovo 2.0 as part of Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub project. It has...
During the last quarter of 2023, various external actors continued to target the societies of Western Balkans with disinformation and related manipulation tactics, through...
Russia, which took control of Durov’s first company and which prompted him to establish Telegram while being in exile is now expressing concern about...
Russian propaganda tried to portray the fact that the Ukrainian government banned the Moscow-affiliated Orthodox Church as a “persecution of Christians” and as a...
It’s not very difficult to note that every other post on the website is anti-Western and portrays Western countries as unjust, controversial and full...
It is Russia that denies the Ukrainian identity and religion, not Western countries. Western countries are not “gay systems” that Russia is fighting against...
Disinformation claiming that the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been living lavishly is once again circulating in the region. This time, he “purchased” an opulent...
Taken and translated from the Serbian version of Sputnik, the Facebook post twists the truth and spreads several pieces of disinformation. To begin with,...