Webinar Disinformation in the Western Balkans: Trends, Challenges, and Responses

Metamorphosis Foundation invites you to an engaging panel discussion on "Disinformation in the Western Balkans: Trends, Challenges, and Responses," scheduled for November 1, 2024, in Skopje on the Zoom platform, beginning at 13:00. (Register to join via Zoom....

(VIDEO) How are AI tools used to create fake content?

As these technologies continue to advance, they pose an increased risk to the truth and trust in the digital age. In the Western Balkan...

Rumena Filipova: Russia uses cultural-historical divisions and tensions in the Balkans to hinder EU membership

Authoritarian states such as Russia and China use various strategies to hinder the Euro-Atlantic integration and to manipulate politics and public opinion in the...

Metamorphosis joins the condemnation of physical attack against journalist of Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf

As a member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) and the International Fact-Checking Network, Metamorphosis Foundation joins condemnation of the attack against the journalist of...

The Future of Truth: Carlos Hernández-Echevarría on Fact-Checking and AI

By: Elida Zylbeari, editor in chief of the Albanian version of Truthmeter and the online portal Portalb.mk. Feature photo of Carlos Hernández-Echevarría at POINT Conference 11 in Sarajevo,...

Disinformation Is Not a Problem Only for the Media; It Is Also a Security Problem

The work of professional media is to verify the facts and information it reports. We are witnessing photographs and news shared only to incite...

Disinformation Undermines the Foundation of Democracy – Fact-Checking is the Key

The Ambassador of the EU, David Geer, emphasized that fact-checkers must work independently and without political pressure. He referred to the fact that elections...

(INTERVIEW) Nikolovski: Russian Church Players in MOC-OA Imposed Fake Public Topics

The more believers praise the Russian Church, the greater its influence. Hypothetically, if the Russian Church is “saving our Church”, why wouldn’t the Russian...

Disinformation Significantly Enhanced in Pre-election Campaigns

Jan Cingel shared an interesting example from Slovakia who said that before the elections in his country, an audio recording generated by AI appeared...

Without the support of fact-checkers we give up defending democracy

And this job is not easy. There will always be those who consciously spread disinformation and will try to undermine your work. Of course,...

International Fact-Checking Day marked with regional Conference – Defending Democracy in the Balkans: Safeguarding Information Integrity in the Digital Era

Photo: Vancho Dzambaski (https://www.flickr.com/photos/fosim/albums/72177720315932339/page5) On April 2, International Fact-Checking Day, the Metamorphosis Foundation and the Anti-Disinformation for the Balkans organized a Regional Conference on the...

(INTERVIEW) Maliukevičius: The Russian influence is trying to weaken us and make us look away from Ukraine

In an interview for Meta.mk, the Lithuanian expert on media and crisis and strategic communication explains more precisely how the disinformation coming from the...

The Regional Monitoring Report on Disinformation Narratives in the Western Balkans was published

In the final quarter of 2023, disinformation/topics related to the Gaza conflict dominated our country. Notably, one prevalent disinformation suggests that the West is...

Bojana Zorić: Media literacy is crucial in addressing the problem of foreign interference, the youth is a critical voice in addressing the security challenges

“What is important in my view when discussing disinformation is addressing the structural problems, such as media literacy, because Western Balkans have some of...

Putin with Two Disinfo Narratives from Vladivostok – The New Weaponry and the USA are the Villains, Not Russia

Vladimir Putin. Photo: Screenshot of the video address/President of the RF/website Talking about new weaponry, international relations cases and mistakes made by Moscow – although...

Visinska: We Tend to Believe in Conspiracy Theories and Russia Uses that to Spread Disinformation

Фото: Мета.мк The population in the Western Balkans tends to believe in conspiracy theories regardless of whether the topic is Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian aggression...

Global Voices: With the US intervention, Kosovo and Serbia resolve the car license plate dispute

Kosovo thanks the US; Serbia has its own interpretation, writes "Global Voices". Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with "Global Voices".   Two...