Telegram: Pro-Russian channels’ heaven, the topic of Kosovo mobilizes pro-Russian Serbian nationalists

Photo illustration by the Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub  In the last years, channels have appeared on the Telegram application that spread pro-Serbian and pro-Russian narratives in the Western Balkans. There...

Malicious meddling in Kosovo’s media sphere

This article by Ardit Kika was originally produced for and published by Kosovo 2.0 as part of Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub project. It has...

China and Macedonian higher education: Influence focused on the state universities

The Chinese influence in higher education in North Macedonia is focused primarily on a few state universities in the country, with ongoing cooperation throughout...

The social media as lever for spreading authoritarian propaganda

Russian propaganda uses various forms of social media and channels to spread its propaganda. It is fighting a war in Ukraine, but also waging...

Kosovo media use public funds, despite constantly violating the Code of Ethics

Over the years, various state institutions have used public funds to advertise themselves in media outlets that produce fake news or are recurrent violators...

Behind the scenes: Chinese influence in North Macedonia

(Main photo: Commercial for the Belt and Road Initiative in one of the Macedonian trains purchased from China reading “Speed up the Belt initiative,...

Main Disinformation Narrative for February: The West Started the War in Ukraine, Russia Resorted to Force to Stop it

Main disinformation narrative in February in the Macedonian media space was proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, just three days...

Religious Propaganda Threatening Kosovo

Dangerous contents promoting political islam, religious extremism, including “holy war” (jihad) for the establishment of an islamic state and disrespect for the Constitution of...

Narrative Aimed to Create Anti-NATO and Anti-EU Mood in Kosovo

Photograph of a small girl close to her killed mother from the film ”Fortress of War” is being shared on several posts on Facebook...

Мacedonian and Bulgarian University with a Russian Connection in the Past Will Develop MAs in Sveti Nikole

The result of the public-private partnership between the State Bulgarian University from Veliko Tarnovo “Ss. Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (VTU) and the Macedonian private...

Мacedonian and Bulgarian university with a historic Russian connection will “produce” MAs in Sveti Nikole

The result of the public-private partnership between the State Bulgarian University from Veliko Tarnovo “Ss. Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (VTU) and the Macedonian private...

The construction of the 5G network brings the demise of the Chinese domination in North Macedonia’s telecommunications

“Makedonski Telekom” (Macedonian Telecom) and “A1 Makedonija” (A1 Macedonia) telecoms are currently modernizing their complete mobile telephony infrastructure and working on the implementation of...

Russia Is Not Cooperating With the Macedonian Investigative Authorities Regarding the Construction of the Russian Gas Pipeline worth 33 Million Euros

For the “Gift” case, international legal assistance is still awaited from the Russian Federation, from where the evidentiary material for the construction of the...

Disinformation in the Energy War – Gas, Oil and Electricity – Has Become a Tool

As a response to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the West-European countries and the USA for the military invasion of a sovereign state,...

Bulgaria’s Blockade of the RNM’s European Integration Process Is in Russia’s Favor

For almost two decades, North Macedonia has been standing at the doors of the European Union, and although it has often flirted with anti-European...

Counterspin: Anti-Semitic Literature Is Not Only Present in Ukraine and it Cannot Justify the Russian Aggression

According to our research, we are convinced that the three books disputed by the Russian Embassy in North Macedonia can be purchased in different...

Kremlin Deception Weapons: 7 Things You Need to Know About RT and Sputnik

The European Union has approved sanctions against the Kremlin deception weapons: Sputnik and RT. Their broadcasting activities were immediately suspended in the EU until the...