Counterspin: The Humanitarian Aspect of the Concern Expressed by “Levica” about the Tanks is a Disguised Position of Moscow

It is extremely irresponsible to “sell” a disguised Russian position that Ukraine has no right to self-defence under the guise of “humanitarian concern for...

Counterspin: The Humanitarian Aspect of the Concern Expressed by “Levica” about the Tanks is a Disguised Position of Moscow

It is extremely irresponsible to “sell” a disguised Russian position that Ukraine has no right to self-defence under the guise of “humanitarian concern for...

Serbian officials on a disinformation campaign for Kosovo Serbs

The Kosovo Police (KP) on July 7, implementing the decision of the Basic Court in Ferizaj, raided several locations in the municipality of Shtërpcë. According...

Misinformative headline about the “long-awaited agreement” between Kosovo and Serbia

On June 21, Kosovo and Serbia finalized the roadmap for the implementation of energy agreements in the four municipalities of northern Kosovo: North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan...

Kosovo authorities denounce Russia’s claim of ‘mercenaries killed from Kosovo’ as misinformation

Parallel to the continuation of war in Ukraine, the Russian Federation is aggressively engaging in disseminating false information, including in the region and Kosovo....

Did exports between Albania – China increase and what do experts say about Chinese influence?

Albania’s exports to China have marked in increase in 2022 by 67%. INSTAT official data, after being processed by Faktoje, showed China of “taking”...

How does the content of the Chinese blog platform reach the domestic media

In its articles, the web portal Webtribune often conveys information from a Chinese blog where content can be published by anyone, thus presenting the...

There is not a Russian decision to “return” the NATO alliance to its borders from 1997

In their headlines, some web portals manipulatively presented the statement of a Russian deputy as an official decision of Russia. On May 15, 2022, Webtribune...

The nuclear war put at the service of clicks and spreading fear

The potential use of nuclear weapons is often mentioned in the context of the war in Ukraine. As a rule, reporting on this topic...

Narrative Analysis – All president’s people: Russian commentators in Serbian media

As part of the program Regional Initiative to Combat Disinformation, we present you a new monthly analysis of fake news and disinformation narratives. All president’s...

Edhe Ukraina me “hap breshke” drejt BE si Shqipëria dhe Maqedonia e Veriut?

“Shqipëria, Mali i Zi dhe Maqedonia e Veriut mbështesin dhënien e statusit të vendit kandidat për anëtarësim në BE. Në këtë rrugë evropiane, vendet...

Montenegro joins “Open Balkans” and Edi Rama does not deal with Kosovo and other misleading news about BiH

The initiative of the three countries of the Western Balkans, Serbia, Albania and Northern Macedonia, known as the "Open Balkans" continues to be one...

Truthmeter’s Editor-in-Chief Petreski: Western Balkans a target of foreign disinformation campaigns; we are working on revealing them

The malign influences which utilize disinformation spreads in the Western Balkans have a regional nature, and, as a result, one disinformation is crossing the...

Russian and Serbian officials continue to deny the Recak Massacre

Even three months after Russia's aggression on Ukraine, misinformation statements by Russian and Serbian officials on Kosovo have continued. The latest one came from...

“Oil crisis”, INSTAT figures and importers: No room for panic

Russia and Ukraine remains the two main oil importers to the country, despite the war between them. Following alarms raised by importers as the...

The war in Ukraine has increased tensions between Kosovo and Serbia

Long before the conflict in Ukraine escalated into a full-scale war by Russia, tensions in the Western Balkans were present, as was Russia's interest...