Pro-European Georgians, not foreign mercenaries, organized protests against the “Foreign Agent” Law

The protest’s organizers are not “foreign sectarian mercenary non-governmental organizations”, but Georgians, including professors, doctors, students, activists, opposition politicians, workers, etc. Their democratic will...

Some Serbian media dramatized the parade of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) on Liberation Anniversary

The participation of members of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and the Kosovo Police in the parade commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Liberation Day...

Analysis of the News: „Katasonov: Putin is preparing Russia for a catastrophe of planetary proportions!“

June 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

France did not deploy troops to Ukraine

The Defense Ministry of France denied that it sent troops to Ukraine when such disinformation on this topic started spreading on the social networks stimulated by...

The propaganda that Russia is fighting “Nazis in Ukraine” reemerges

The pro-Russian post aims to justify the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine. Presenting Ukraine as the land of the Nazis is a false...

It is not true that the sanctions against Russia are ineffective

Footage of a rocket launch is abused as evidence that the sanctions against Russia are ineffective. The footage is real, but the accompanying description...

Zelenskyy did not buy a casino in Cyprus

It is disinformation that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy bought a casino and a hotel in Cyprus through his offshore company. High political representatives from...

Suspicious footage claims Poland prepares a war against Russia

The post claims with no basis in fact that the Poles “are preparing for direct battle” against the Russians, while the latter are “ready...

The decision to remove border controls is being falsely interpreted as the creation of “Greater Albania”

The decision by Kosovo and Albania to remove border controls has been misinterpreted by some Serbian media, falsely claiming that a “Greater Albania” is...

Analysis of the News: “The entire text of the Declaration adopted by the first All-Serbian Assembly”

June 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

The expropriation decision is considered a classic seizure of Serb properties

The decision by the Government of Kosovo regarding several expropriations in the municipalities of Leposaviq and Zubin Potok has sparked numerous reactions. The Serbs...

Conspiracy theorist Sllamniku claims without evidence that NATO will invade Serbia

On June 3, 2024, conspiracy theorist Arianit Sllamniku, appearing on the show Kosova Today on Klan Kosova, made unfounded claims that NATO will invade Serbia. "NATO's North...

Shabby lies: Ukraine and NATO against Russia and China

This article was first published by (North Macedonia), within the framework of Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Project. A shabby narrative that even Putin doesn’t use...

The ICG changed the report that implicated KFOR in negotiations for the withdrawal of the terrorist group from Banjska

The International Crisis Group (ICG), in a recently published report, stated that KFOR officials had negotiated the withdrawal of the Serbian paramilitary group from Banjska—a...

Analysis of the News: “Donald Trump and the “Hague” process in New York”

May 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

Russia may arm itself and attack Ukraine, but Ukraine may not receive arms to defend itself

This article was first published by (North Macedonia), within the framework of Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Project. The post distorts facts and intentionally constructs a...