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Analysis of the News: “Vučić: We are exposed to the most direct threats, we will not fall for provocations”

July 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

Fact checkers traced the path of Russian disinformation on Zelenskyy, his family and inner circle

A new study by an international team of fact-checkers, led by Maldita.es, traced the path of Russian disinformation about Zelensky, his family, and those in...

Metamorphosis joins the condemnation of physical attack against journalist of Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf

As a member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) and the International Fact-Checking Network, Metamorphosis Foundation joins condemnation of the attack against the journalist of...

The Future of Truth: Carlos Hernández-Echevarría on Fact-Checking and AI

By: Elida Zylbeari, editor in chief of the Albanian version of Truthmeter and the online portal Portalb.mk. Feature photo of Carlos Hernández-Echevarría at POINT Conference 11 in Sarajevo,...