The West did not mislead Russia and Ukraine to go to war at their own peril, but Ukraine is defending itself against Russian aggression

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Ukraine and Russia are not “mislead by the West to go to war at their own peril”, as the post claims, but Ukraine as a sovereign state, recognized member of the UN is a victim of the aggression of neighbouring Russia for officially annexing its territory. Ukraine is fighting for liberty, i.e. it is defending its independence, and Russia is at war to seize as much territory as possible from Ukraine. If Russia stops fighting and withdraws its troops, the war will simply cease, writes

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We reviewed a post on Facebook that says:

Take it to the streets against the war in Ukraine. Those nations are our brothers and they are misled by the West to fight at their own peril.

The claim that Russian and Ukraine have been misled by the West to go to war at their own peril is not true.

The Government of Canada began fighting disinformation through its Security Services as to inform the public about the most common false disinformation propaganda narratives of Russia spreading around the world. Among them is the one presented in this fact-checked post. The Government of Canada published on its site:

NATO is a defence alliance and does not want war in Europe. The Kremlin started the war. Moscow is pursuing its imperialistic ambitions in Ukraine with the use of its own weapons and brutal tactics, including civilian attacks. NATO provides support to Ukraine. Ukraine has the right to self-defence, according to the Charter of the United Nations. Individual NATO members continue to provide support and necessary assistance to Ukraine.

Ukraine and Russia are not ”mislead by the West to go into war at their own peril” as the post claims, but Ukraine as a sovereign state, recognized member of the UN is a victim of the aggression of neighbouring Russia for officially annexing its territory. Ukraine is fighting for liberty i.e. it is defending its independence, and Russia is at war to seize as much territory as possible from Ukraine. If Russia stops fighting and withdraws its troops, the war will simply cease.

Russian citizens are bombarded with propaganda that NATO and the USA, as well as the West threatened Russia and pushed Ukraine into conflict.

On 11th March 2022, the US President Joe Biden announced the sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and said that the Russian President Vladimir Putin was the aggressor.

Putin is an aggressor. And Putin has to pay the price. He cannot pursue a war which threatens the very foundations of international peace and stability, and then ask for financial help from the international community, said Biden.

With the strongest rhetoric NATO publicly condemns Russia’s brutal and unprovoked war against Ukraine – which is an independent, peaceful and democratic country, and a close NATO partner. NATO and Allies continue to provide unprecedented levels of support, helping Ukraine uphold its fundamental right to self- defence.

NATO actions are defensive, designed not to provoke conflict but to prevent it. The Alliance has a responsibility to ensure that the war does not escalate and spread beyond Ukraine, which would be even more dangerous and devastating, states NATO website.

In addition, for NATO, Russia’s decision on military mobilization is a further escalation in Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine, and NATO rejects Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric.

Russia bears full responsibility for the war, the immense suffering its aggression is bringing upon the Ukrainian people, as well as the cost of its war including for the Russian people now being mobilized. Russia has it in its hands to end the conflict. Russia must immediately stop this war and withdraw from Ukraine, stated NATO, 22nd September 2020.

The above-mentioned NATO-narrative is the complete opposite of the false narrative of the post that the West wants to make Russia and Ukraine “go to war at their own peril”.

NATO also condemned the so-called referendum on the annexation of Ukraine regions to Russia.

Territorial annexation as a result of a threat or use of force will not be recognized as legal. The Allies will never recognize the illegitimate annexation of Crimea. The fake referenda in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson are not legitimate and brutal violation of the UN Charter. NATO allies will not recognize them. This territory belongs to Ukraine. We call on all the countries to reject Russia’s attempt to conquer territories. replied NATO.

The West provides support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within the internationally recognized Ukrainian borders and advocates for Ukraine’s right to self-defence. NATO is a defence alliance and stands for peace, security and stability in the entire Euro-Atlantic area.

As early as 11th March 2022, the American President Biden, in his address from the White House, said that Ukraine will receive support from the United States, and that the USA will send money, food and aid to save the Ukrainian people, and accept Ukrainian refugees, andm, inter alia, pointed out:

We will proceed together with our allies in Europe and send a clear message – We will defend every inch of NATO-territory with all our might, united. We will not wage war against Russia in Ukraine. A direct confrontation between NATO and Russia means Third World War and that must be prevented. But we already know that Putin’s war against Ukraine will never be victorious. He tried to dominate Ukraine without a fight and failed, failed to destroy Europe and weaken the transatlantic alliance. The American people are united, and we stand behind the people of Ukraine. We will not allow autocrats and those who want to be emperors to dictate the direction of the world.

Due to all above-noted facts, we can conclude that it is not true that the West misled Russia and Ukraine to go to war at their own peril.
