
Wagner recruitment of volunteers in the region neither confirmed, nor denied

The paramilitary group Wagner, by means of a paid announcement on 5th January on Russia Today Balkan in Serbian language, called for all potential...

Military service is voluntary for women in Ukraine

The post disinforms that NATO is pushing Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian. This narrative undermines thousands of soldiers in Ukraine, including patriotic...

Romanian anti-disinformation activist reveals: Misinformation campaigns often target refugees from Ukraine

While disinformation campaigns flood Central and Eastern Europe, civil society organizations are at the forefront of initiatives to face this challenge. Meta.mk spoke to...

The West did not mislead Russia and Ukraine to go to war at their own peril, but Ukraine is defending itself against Russian aggression

Ukraine and Russia are not “mislead by the West to go to war at their own peril”, as the post claims, but Ukraine as...

Turkey did not decide to leave NATO and the consulates were not closed because of the earthquake

We assess the post fact-checked as untrue. It is not true to claim that the earthquake was a geologically produced attack, that the diplomats...

Russia has not declared the dollar an invalid payment currency

The claim that Russia declared the Dollar invalid payment currency is out of context. There is lack of Dollars in cash in Russia hence...

Мacedonian and Bulgarian university with a historic Russian connection will “produce” MAs in Sveti Nikole

The result of the public-private partnership between the State Bulgarian University from Veliko Tarnovo “Ss. Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (VTU) and the Macedonian private...

Global Voices: With the US intervention, Kosovo and Serbia resolve the car license plate dispute

Kosovo thanks the US; Serbia has its own interpretation, writes "Global Voices". Meta.mk republishes the original article, under the cooperation agreement with "Global Voices".   Two...

Membership is shifting from one pro-Russian party to another in North Macedonia

In the two Macedonian parties with a pro-Russian ideology, “Rodina Makedonija” and “Obedineta Makedonija”, there has been turbulence in the recent period, that is,...

Buses in Riga do not have segregated seats for Russians

A Facebook post misinforms about the alleged segregationist policy of Riga’s public transport company. It falsely claims that Russian-speaking passengers are required to sit...

Through Manipulation of Dates, It Is Falsely Claimed that Ukraine Is to Blame for the Mass Graves in Izium

A photo is going viral on social media that is deliberately manipulated and creates a wrong public opinion about the Russian invasion of Ukraine...

With an Edited Photo Taken in Russia, Ukraine Is Accused of Being Nazi

The photo in the post we are reviewing, which contains the Ukrainian flag, has been graphically altered and edited, to falsely represent that the...

With a Fake Photo, the Public is Being Deceived that Zelensky Participated in a Gay Parade

A photo of several people posing at a gay parade accompanies the post. In the photo, there is a person with Zelensky’s face. Truthmeter...

It Is Not True that the Russians Announced the Destruction of 830 Ukrainian Combat Vehicles in One Day

What is stated in the title of the text, shared in the post we are reviewing, is not true: “The Russians announced: 830 Ukrainian...

It is not True that Three American Companies Bought Large Agricultural Land in Ukraine

Ukrainian legislation prohibits the sale of agricultural land to foreigners and foreign-owned companies. This restriction can be lifted, but first, there must be a...

Janko Bačev Shares an Unfounded Statement by Fidel Castro about the Next War in Europe

The leader of the political party “United Macedonia”, Janko Bačev, shared on his Facebook profile a statement allegedly made by the former president of...