Горан Ризаов

Kremlin’s False Narrative: “NATO Is Fighting Russia to the Last Ukrainian” Continues

NATO neither started the military invasion, nor does it have troops in Ukraine. Russia attacked Ukraine in February 2022 and Ukraine, as an independent...

Preposterous and Unsubstantiated Claim that a Russian Rocket Killed 200 NATO Officers in a Bunker in Ukraine

In the video with the post, analyst Gilbert Doctorow does not present a single source of evidence for his claim that during a missile...

Social Networks and Media – A Lever for Spreading Authoritarian Propaganda

Russian propaganda uses various forms of social media and channels to spread its propaganda. It is fighting a war in Ukraine, but also waging...

Social Networks and Media – A Lever for Spreading Authoritarian Propaganda

Russian propaganda uses various forms of social media and channels to spread its propaganda. It is fighting a war in Ukraine, but also waging...

The Influence of Bulgaria On Back Azimuth

Unlike the influence of Russia and China in North Macedonia that – to a large extent – is disseminated on the basis of positive...

The Aid from USA Is Not for Zelenskyy Personally

The website of the State Department transparently lists all kinds of assistance the USA is giving to Ukraine. The aid, however, is not personal...

Putin Presented as а Savior of Ukraine!

The war initiated by Russia more than a year ago took away thousands of lives, displaced millions of people, shook global economy and re-opened...

Manipulative Post Justifies Putin and the Russian Aggression of Ukraine at All Cost

The post manipulatively claims that Putin is not to be blamed for the war Russia is fighting on the territory of Ukraine – an...

The Russian Embassy in Skopje – Main Diplomatic Internet Spammer in North Macedonia

The Russian Embassy in Skopje is a record-breaker when it comes to the number of Facebook posts. The country is of top regional interest...

Zelensky Did Not Order Ukrainian Troops To “Destroy Everything That Crosses Their Sights”

Some media headlines claiming that Ukrainian President Zelensky said “destroy everything that crosses your sights” are incorrect, i.e., it is something that Zelensky did...

Main Disinformation Narrative for February: The West Started the War in Ukraine, Russia Resorted to Force to Stop it

Main disinformation narrative in February in the Macedonian media space was proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, just three days...

Main Disinformation Narrative for February: The West Started the War in Ukraine, Russia Resorted to Force to Stop it

Main disinformation narrative in February in the Macedonian media space was proclaimed by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, just three days...

Religious Propaganda Threatening Kosovo

Dangerous contents promoting political islam, religious extremism, including “holy war” (jihad) for the establishment of an islamic state and disrespect for the Constitution of...

It Is Not True that Ukraine Enlists 17-Year-Old Children and that It Reduced the Threshold to 16

The claim that Ukraine sends children to the war front to fight the Russians is not substantiated by evidence. Such statements are arbitrary and...

Narrative Aimed to Create Anti-NATO and Anti-EU Mood in Kosovo

Photograph of a small girl close to her killed mother from the film ”Fortress of War” is being shared on several posts on Facebook...

It Is not True that the Earthquake in Turkey Is Unnatural

A powerful earthquake of 7.8 degrees on the Richter scale struck Southern Turkey early Monday morning. It caused extensive damage and killed thousands of...