Горан Ризаов

Мacedonian and Bulgarian University with a Russian Connection in the Past Will Develop MAs in Sveti Nikole

The result of the public-private partnership between the State Bulgarian University from Veliko Tarnovo “Ss. Ss. Cyril and Methodius” (VTU) and the Macedonian private...

Social Network Post Speculates with Helicopter Accident Near Kyiv

The post is spreading arbitrary information about the helicopter accident in Brovary in the vicinity of Kyiv. Official data for the helicopter crashing is...

Post on Social Networks Manipulates with Russia’s Foreign Currency

The post claims that the reserves of the Central Bank of Russia increased by 5.5 billion Dollars within several days and that in the...

COPY-CATS: How Uncritical Transmission of Serbian and Russian Propaganda Affects Macedonian Public

According to many research projects and reports, Serbia is perceived as one of the most powerful allies of Russia on the Balkans, as a...

What Did the Macedonian Todorovski Publish to Be Accused by Grozev for Spreading Russian Propaganda in the Media

Although not an established reporter in the country, Todorovski managed to get invited three times to the “press-tours” organized by Russia to Ukraine. From...

The Russian Narrative that Poland Plans to Annex Western Ukraine Reached North Macedonia

Aside the pro-Kremlin views and claims of the fictional author published on the Polish web-portal, Niezalezny Dziennik Polityczny, who spreads fake news, there is...

No Evidence Proves that Ukraine is Trying to Drag Belorus into War

Belarus – Russia’s key ally – called upon Kyiv to fully investigate after C 300 rocket came close to its borders. According to Kiril...

Ksenija from Russia Moved to Serbia, not to North Macedonia

The posted text – through its title – stresses the fact that Ksenija from Russia moved “here” thus creating a false impression for the...

War in Ukraine, Bomb Threats and Anti-NATO Campaign – Main Disinformation Narratives in December

December disinformation narratives published in national media related to foreign influence continue to be predominantly linked to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, with a...

Roots of Latvian Christmas Tree Symbol Are Not Nazi, but Latvian Folklore

Context is lacking in the post checked. Although the symbol of the Christmas decorations looks like a Nazi-style swastika, in actual fact it is...

The construction of 5G network brings the demise of the Chinese domination in North Macedonia’s telecommunications

“Makedonski Telekom” (Macedonian Telecom) and “A1 Makedonija” (A1 Macedonia) telecoms are currently modernizing their complete mobile telephony infrastructure and working on the implementation of...

It is Not True that Representatives from the European Parliament Trampled the Flag of Donetsk People’s Republic

This information was published 8th December on Yahoo News. The people trampling the flag are not representatives of the European Parliament at all, while...

Russia weaponises cultural awards: It’s not all the same who is awarding a prize

The uncritical stance of individuals, institutions and non-governmental organizations towards the awarding of various prizes related to the Russian Federation on top of the...

An Edited Video Disinforms that a German Auction House is Organizing the Destruction of Russian Art

The post spreads falsehoods and shares an edited video that abuses the brand and credibility of Euronews television. Euronews issued a statement that the...

Russia Is Not Cooperating With the Macedonian Investigative Authorities Regarding the Construction of the Russian Gas Pipeline worth 33 Million Euros

For the “Gift” case, international legal assistance is still awaited from the Russian Federation, from where the evidentiary material for the construction of the...

It Is Not True That Minister Petrovska Is Making a List for the Mobilization of Soldiers for Ukraine

Truthmeter asked the Ministry of Defense if it is true that Minister Petrovska is preparing a list for the mobilization of soldiers for Ukraine,...