Analysis of the News: “Vučić: We are exposed to the most direct threats, we will not fall for provocations”

July 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“, we present you a new...

Overview of media reporting on Russia and the conflict in Ukraine in the Serbian media in the period from July 1 to 5, 2024

Instead of analyzing a single article or narrative, we provide a brief overview of news coverage from just two Serbian media outlets focused on...

French documentary abused for false claims about Macedonian soldiers going to Ukraine

The video in the post was first online in September 2022. It is an excerpt from a 115-minute French documentary film titled: “A President,...

NATO is a staunch opponent of terrorism

On several occasions, since the beginning of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, Kremlin’s propaganda has tried to twist the reasons why it went...

Analysis of the Narrative: The favoritism of Serbian media towards right-wing movements in the European elections

June 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative to Combat Disinformation “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub: Exposing Malign Influences through Watchdog Journalism”, we present you...

Analysis of the News: “Scott Ritter: The attacks on Sevastopol and Dagestan are terrorist acts by the US and NATO against Russia”

June 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

American HIMARS sparks Russian nuclear propaganda

A chain reaction of Russian high-level officials was triggered by the delivery and operational deployment of long-range Western missile systems used by the U.S....

Romanian fans did not chant Putin’s name during football match with Ukraine

The authenticity of the “Putin” chants by Romanian fans is called into question, especially given their show of respect for Ukraine at the beginning...

Ukraine Yet Again Falsely Accused of Terrorism

For the past 10 years, Russia has been committing acts of aggression against Ukraine. However, it is Russia that has repeatedly accused Ukraine terrorism,...

Russian Pseudohistorical Manipulation Reaches North Macedonia

The Russian Embassy in North Macedonia is marking the anniversaries of Macedonian  historical figures on their social media platforms. This comes off as highly...

Russian fighter jets did not fly over Florida

Footage of a flight of fighter jets, lacking a source or evidence, is falsely described as a Russian penetration of US airspace. If that...

Lies about Nazi Ukraine are circulating yet again

The trident has been linked with Ukrainian history for quite a long time. That was the sign of the predecessors of Dynasty Rurik (10-12 century, time...

Arrest footage misrepresented as mobilization

A Facebook video is falsely described as showing mobilization on the streets of Ukraine. In reality, the footage captures the arrest of a criminal...

Coca-Cola is not returning to the Russian market

The Coca-Cola Company applied to the Russian Patent Service to reregister: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and some other of its trademarks, which was incorrectly interpreted by some media as the company’s...

Former healthcare Minister of Ukraine is not suspected of “selling human organs abroad”

According to unofficial information from Ukrainian media, the former Deputy Healthcare Minister of Ukraine, Mykhaylo Zagriychuk, is a suspect for meddling (intervening) with the Single State...

Analysis of the News: “Mirdita on Vidovdan in Belgrade”

June 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

It is not true that Georgia will open an embassy in Moscow

Truthmeter did not manage to find a single official information about Georgia renewing its diplomatic relations with Russia and opening an embassy in Moscow....