The disinformation front regarding food has become particularly strong with the beginning of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In May 2022, the Russian...
The Kosovo Police (KP) responded to claims made in an article published by Dukagjini, suggesting that the United States had allegedly suspended training for the KP due...
Disinformation targeting Harris is distinctive not only because it consists of falsehoods, but also because it is gender-specific, infused with stereotypes and prejudices that...
In June 2023, France exposed an extensive Russian disinformation campaign called Recent Reliable News (RRN), named after a pro-Russian website. Earlier in February, the...
News outlets from Albania with a strong presence on social media continue to use Kosovo for disinformation, exploiting the unresolved relations with Serbia.
On September...
Foto arkiv, 21 prill 2024, Zveçan: Procesi i votimit për largimin e kryetarëve shqiptarë i cili u bojkotua nga shumica serbe.
*Prepared by: Fitim Gashi
Manipulative Facebook posts display historical maps showing the territory of present-day Ukraine under the rule of its neighbors, suggesting it is an artificial creation composed of...
On September 16, 2024, the online news outlet published an article titled "We Won't Wait Forever for Kosovo/‘Open Balkan’ Returns, ‘Berlin Process’ Dies." The article...