Food as grounds and tool for disinformation and hybrid warfare

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The disinformation front regarding food has become particularly strong with the beginning of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In May 2022, the Russian authorities and state media outlets reinforced efforts to blame the United States, the European Union and other western allies for the global shortage of food as a result of the war in Ukraine. Social network accounts linked to the Kremlin claimed western sanctions and macroeconomic mistakes incited the food crisis, and not the Russian invasion of Ukraine


Author: Ana Anastasovska


In order to push its geopolitical goals, the Russian Federation uses multiple propaganda tools, with the topics ranging from global and regional to nationalistic, ethnic, economic, and so on. The Kremlin’s propaganda spreads its tentacles like an octopus, in all segments of social action and through good organization and placement successfully percolates through the pores of even the most democratically developed countries.

Western Balkan countries are especially vulnerable to this propaganda. Russian propaganda is strong in the Balkans, especially in countries which support Moscow or in which a significant amount of the population is favorable toward Moscow.

Among the numerous disinformation Russia successfully pushes in this region, there is numerous disinformation surrounding the production of food in Europe and everything in relation to it. The goal of these lies is to foster fear and division among those the Kremlin considers enemies, to spread falsehoods to support the traditional long-term narratives of the Kremlin claiming the West is decadent and is about to collapse and that the West and the EU continue to lose themselves in their own impasse and uncertainty, which has an effect on regular citizens as well.

The disinformation front surrounding food especially intensified with the beginning of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In May 2022, Russian authorities and state media outlets increased efforts to blame the United States, the European Union and other western allies for a global shortage of food caused by the war in Ukraine. Accounts on social networks linked to the Kremlin claimed it was the western sanctions and macroeconomic mistakes that incited the food crisis, and not the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Messengers linked to Moscow, also blamed Ukraine for blocking food shipments from mining ports and claimed Ukrainian soldiers “burned 50,000 tons of grain.”

The Russian Ministry of Defense accused Kyiv of “food terrorism.” On the 22nd of July, Russia and Ukraine reached an agreement for the provision of safe export of Ukrainian agricultural products, forcing the Russian propaganda campaign surrounding this issue to change its focus.

After the Kremlin failed to convince the world “it will die from hunger because of Ukraine and the West,” the propaganda started to apply other manipulations. Recently, we are witnessing lies which claim the European Union will force all of us to eat insects, in order to allegedly protect the environment, that fruit and vegetables from the EU and beyond are genetically modified and that the EU has a secret agenda to destroy traditional agriculture.

Russian disinformation related to food spreads not only in Macedonian media space, but also in countries of the region, on social network profiles or Facebook pages which regularly share content in favor of the Kremlin.



In June of 2022, when the Dutch government announced plans to reduce certain greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 70 percent, farmers took to the streets in a massive protest.  Due to the government’s environmental plans and laws to reduce nitrogen pollution, considering these are far-reaching measures, some of the farmers may have been given an ultimatum to either implement them, or to have to sell their farms. But whatever choice the farmers decided to make, the Dutch authorities have set up a fund for this very purpose, amounting to a significant 25 billion euros.

As a result of such measures, farmers blocked traffic on highways with their tractors, dumped fertilizer on the streets and burned bales of hay.

Dutch protests served as a tool for the Kremlin, to feed a new disturbing conspiracy theory claiming the western nations are trying to incite a massive hunger and prompt subjugation, by limiting and collecting the world food supply. On the other hand, new ecological regulations in the Netherlands, according to conspiracy theorists, are part of the wider conspiracy of the liberal policymakers for using climate change as wiles for taking control of the agricultural industry.

In our region, there was an attempt on social networks, to portray the Dutch protests as protests against the alleged plan of the Dutch government (on the instructions of Klaus Schwab, German Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and according to conspiracy theorists—leader of some sort of “New World Order”), to seize 3,000 privately owned farms and remove farmers from their land in order to house migrants there. In order to check these claims we contacted our fact-checker colleagues from the Netherlands. Marieke Kuypers from the fact-checking website nieuwscheckers-nl pointed us to several links from posts on Dutch websites in order for us to debunk the claims made in the post.

As early as June 2022, Dutch websites wrote it was not true that Dutch farmers were forced to give up their farms to accommodate migrants.

This disinformation also spread in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but as Bill Gates’s plan in accordance with “Agenda 2030” and “The Great Reset.” Colleagues from Raskrinkavanje concluded the conspiracy theory claiming these events are part of the global conspiracy of starving the population, that the World Economic Forum controls the Dutch government and that the agricultural land will be used to house migrants is a version of the conspiracy theory about the “Great Replacement”—a racist conspiracy theory which suggest elites orchestrate a plot to replace the white race with migrants.



In the context of “Agenda 2030” falsehoods also spread about the EU allegedly planning to destroy agriculture and livestock by 2030. Contrary to disinformation, the facts are that the European Commission’s goal is for 25 percent of agriculture to be used for organic production in the next 10 years.

This type of agriculture, i.e. organic production, uses natural substances and has a less harmful effect on the environment. Organic farmers use more renewable resources and ensure that ecological biodiversity is protected through, for example, responsible water use. Organic agriculture requires stricter protection of animals and their needs.

The difference between conventional and organic production lies in the fact that organic production does not use herbicides and pesticides and the use of fertilizers and protective agents is controlled, Lenche Nikolovska, Expert in agriculture and Director of the “Agrotim” platform, told

According to her, organic production is a hit in the European Union and is a great opportunity for Macedonian agricultural production after which we can be recognized and competitive. For now, Nikolovska adds, more is said than done and proof of this is the disastrously low rate of 3 percent compared to conventional production.

For comparison, of almost 70,000 farmers and farms that apply for subsidies every year, according to the State Statistical Office, only 888 are organic producers, and there is also a decrease from last year. The total area with plant organic production was 4,215 hectares, of which 1,475 hectares are areas of organic production in transition. For a product to be certified as organic, it must undergo three years of agrotechnical measures for organic production, with the first two years being the “transition” period. In livestock production, the percentage is also low, but it also decreases every year, except in beekeeping, where a significant increase in certified organic honey is observed. The reasons remain the same for years, first there is the lack of information among agricultural producers, lack of a serious market for these products and motivation from the institutions with more measures that will increase domestic organic production, says Nikolovska.

She adds that with the “Agrotim” platform they worked on a project titled “Contract production of organic pepper” for two seasons, with the support of the Swiss Increasing Market Employability Program—IME, which was well received and provided results.

This means that if agricultural producers are informed and have secured the sale of the products, producing organically is not a problem. The subsidy measure for obtaining a certificate, as well as the 50 percent higher subsidies for organic products, also help here. To summarize, we have conditions, farmers who want to produce, new modern technologies and means of protection and feeding that are similar in price to chemical preparations and have an equal effect to obtain a quality organic product. There is a lack of system, strategy, new measures and I would say more work on the ground to increase the domestic production of organic food, which is a hit in the EU, adds Nikolovska.

Photo: Agrotim


In order to anger the citizens of the EU who trust their governments and to foster fear among those who doubt the intentions of their governments, the Kremlin goes even further and tries to convince people all of the food in supermarkets is genetically modified. “Proof” of that is the claim by an alleged “Ukrainian refugee” behind the camera (whose face is never shown and whose identity is hidden), walking around a supermarket in Germany, being angry, and even throwing food from the shelves, claiming it has no taste or tastes like plastic.

Disinformation is also circulating about how all of the food we import from the EU contains GMO soy and emulsifiers. There is still no such thing in Macedonia. Namely, the legal framework for GMO food is stipulated with the Law on Genetically Modified Organisms and the Law on Food Safety, where GMO food is defined in Article 4 Paragraph 1 Item 61 and the provisions in Article 56 that refer to GMO food. By decision of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, these provisions have a delayed application and will be valid after the admission of North Macedonia in the European Union.

In the European Union, GMO food is subject to strict rules of control and authorization before it is put on the market in order to make sure, or rather, guarantee its safety, and with that, provide a high level of consumer health protection.

The Kremlin propaganda went one step further, convincing the citizens of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina they consume genetically modified bananas. The lie which spread in both of these countries, was identical:

The initial number eight on the declaration sends you a very warning message, namely, such food is genetically modified (GMO). Such bananas are marked with the number 84011. By the way, GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been changed using various methods of genetic engineering, usually by inserting part of the genetic material (DNA) of one organism into the DNA of another organism.  

In Serbia, there is “zero tolerance” for the production and trade of GMOs, as the circulation of such goods in the country is prohibited by a “clear and rigorous” Law on Genetically Modified Organisms.

As stated on the webpage of the Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the legal framework in the area of genetically modified organisms in Bosnia and Herzegovina includes ten different laws, decisions and regulations. As writes, according to the legislation in force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the labeling of genetically modified food implies inscriptions that clearly indicate such food is in question.



The biggest fear that spread in the region, which of course was instigated by the disinformation from the Kremlin, is that the EU will force all of us to eat insects instead of meat, or rather, if you are in favor of the EU you must eat insects so that you do not die!

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, lies spread through the alleged statement by Klaus Schwab—“you will eat bugs and insects, you will not have anything and you will be happy.”

In Serbia, a video from a Polish kindergarten went viral, in which children try to eat insects. The video was shared with claims that kids in the kindergarten are “forced to eat insects” and that insects “are regularly served as a snack in Poland.”

The EU’s decision in January 2023 to approve some insect-derived products for human consumption has sparked a wave of disinformation across the Union. In many member states, fake news about insects hidden in food or about insects that are dangerous for human consumption have appeared. In some Eastern European countries, Russian propaganda has used current disinformation to establish a connection with an existing narrative that exaggerates the negative consequences of the war in Ukraine and sanctions on the European way of life.

In their analysis about fake news related to insects for consumption, identifies three main disinformation narratives, one of which claims citizens of the EU will eat insects even against their will.

The European Commission implemented a regulation, effective from the 3rd of January, 2023, which authorized the placing on the market of Acheta domesticus (house cricket) partially defatted powder as a novel food. According to the document posted on the link, on the 24th of July, 2019, the company Cricket One Co. (“the applicant”) submitted an application to the Commission for an authorization to place Acheta domesticus (house cricket) partially defatted powder on the Union market as novel food. The partially defatted powder obtained from whole Acheta domesticus (house cricket) is intended to be used in multigrain bread and rolls, crackers and breadsticks, cereal bars, dry pre-mixes for baked products, biscuits, dry stuffed and non-stuffed pasta-based products, sauces, processed potato products, pizza, soups and soup concentrates or powders, beer-like beverages, chocolate confectionery and other products intended for the general population.

On the 23rd of March, 2022, the European Commission adopted a scientific opinion on the safety of this powder. It states that house cricket powder is safe if it used under prescribed conditions and if used in prescribed levels and amounts.



What is perhaps the most heinous disinformation spread by supporters of the Kremlin’s policy on social networks in the region is the alleged opening of factories for the production of artificial and human meat in the EU with the aim of destroying animal husbandry. Of course, this is all part of a wider conspiracy and conspiracy theory stating the EU wants to destroy farmers, ranchers and stockbreeders and force us to eat insects and artificial meat.

In Macedonia, through satirical and fixed videos, attempts were made to convince the citizens the WHO permitted the production of human meat, as well as that participants in a reality show ate human meat.

The video which allegedly shows the WHO permitting the production of human meat is a British mockumentary titled: “The British Miracle Meat.” A mockumentary is a type of TV show in which fictional events are portrayed as if they are a documentary. These productions are often used to analyze or comment events that are relevant in a fictional setting or for a parody. Mockumentaries are usually comic.

In this particular case, the video shows part of a British mockumentary titled “The British Miracle Meat.” It is a satirical pseudo-documentary comedy broadcast on the British TV channel “Channel 4” on the 24th of July, 2023. There are no factories in Great Britain that produce human meat.

This satirical video claiming human meat is produced in Britain also spread in Serbia. In Serbia, lies were also spread about how in Finland, fast food containing human meat appeared, as well as a “warning” that mass-produced minced meat from Europe should not be eaten since it is allegedly “been found to contain human meat.”



Another collateral damage of the Russian influence and pressure, in the midst of a strong military invasion of Ukraine, were the apples from Resen, a topic on which already wrote.

In December of 2022, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision of the Russian Federation (Rosselkhoznadzor) decided to ban the import of thousands of Prespa apples, with the excuse that in one of the packages, a brown marmorated stink bug was found called “Halyomorpha halys.”

This bug is a notorious pest, explains the President of Fruit Growers Association from Resen, Ljube Pampuleski for Voice of America. It happened in previous years as well, but it was never a reason for Russia to stop the purchase. The former European Ambassador, David Geer, then mentioned that the situation with the Resen apples is just one way in which Russia can show its influence.

According to the political party Levica, Moscow’s move is a justifiable, logical consequence “of the sanctions the anti-people government imposed on Russia.”

The case with the Resen apples clearly reflects the economic pressures and influence of Russia over the smaller players on the global scene. According to Global Security Review hybrid warfare combines conventional and unconventional methods, including military operations, cyber warfare, disinformation campaigns, and economic pressure.

It is precisely these tactics of destabilizing smaller states through trade embargoes, political pressures, cyber-attacks and disinformation through the propaganda arm of Sputnik and RT that are common in Russia’s operation on the larger world stage.

What’s most troubling, some experts say, is how spreading lies about food unsafety can be even more radicalizing than some of the most insidious conspiracy theories circulating about vaccines, voter fraud and the “deep state” of evil bureaucrats.

When it comes to the food supply, the conspiracies become existential. If you lose an election, you can win it back. Vaccines, well you’re going to get sick, but you’ll be OK, probably. But when it comes to food, it becomes a matter of selecting who lives and who dies. And the threat of political violence becomes completely justified in the minds of certain people,” says Joel Finkelstein, co-founder of the Network Contagion Research Institute, which tracks hate and extremism on social media.

