Current FIMI tactics tend to undermine the 2001 Ohrid Framework Agreement, designed to ensure calm relations among ethnic groups, states the analytical report published...
News outlets from Albania with a strong presence on social media continue to use Kosovo for disinformation, exploiting the unresolved relations with Serbia.
On September...
Foto arkiv, 21 prill 2024, Zveçan: Procesi i votimit për largimin e kryetarëve shqiptarë i cili u bojkotua nga shumica serbe.
*Prepared by: Fitim Gashi
Manipulative Facebook posts display historical maps showing the territory of present-day Ukraine under the rule of its neighbors, suggesting it is an artificial creation composed of...
On September 16, 2024, the online news outlet published an article titled "We Won't Wait Forever for Kosovo/‘Open Balkan’ Returns, ‘Berlin Process’ Dies." The article...
The post abounds in insults and antagonistic narrative against the West and Ukraine and its political leadership. The Ukrainian government is not fascist, nor...
Russia, which took control of Durov’s first company and which prompted him to establish Telegram while being in exile is now expressing concern about...