
NATO has established the first regional air base in Albania

NATO confirms to Faktoje that Kuçova tactical air base, with an investment of 50 Million Euros, is set to become operational by spring. Beyond...

Analysis of the News: “Scott Ritter: Zelensky will face the fate of Nicolae Ceausescu”

January 2024 As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

There is No Evidence That Ukraine Is Losing 30,000 Troops per Month in the War with Russia

Ukraine’s former Public Prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, is spreading unconfirmed data regarding the number of killed and wounded Ukrainian troops. In fact, in his own...

The Trust of the Ukrainians in Zelenskyy Is Not at 42%

There is no publicly accessible opinion poll in Ukraine which shows that the trust in the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is 42 percent....

The bus with Albanians was not attacked by Serbs, but was damaged by a bird

Prepared by: Ridona Berisha The bus of the "Polluzha Tours" travel agency was not attacked near Niš in Serbia, as reported by some media, but...

Video Doesn’t Show Egyptian Teen Aiding Gaza Residents

The video circulating on social media, allegedly showing an Egyptian teenager delivering aid to Gaza residents via a hole in the border wall, is...

Analysis of the News: “Colonel McGregor: US Will Plant Missiles in Finland to Start War with Russia”

January 2024. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

Analysis of the Narrative: “New Maidan” – the response of local authorities and official Moscow to accusations of election irregularities in Serbia

December 2023. As part of the program Regional Initiative to Combat Disinformation “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub: Exposing Malign Influences through Watchdog Journalism”, we present you...

Analysis of the News: “Russia’s first reaction to the riots in front of the Belgrade Assembly”

December 2023. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

The confiscation of the “Rajska Banja” complex prompted reactions from Serbs

Photo: Banjske village, Zveçan The building suspected of hosting illegal activities in the north has been confiscated by Kosovo authorities, a decision that sparked a...

Analysis of the News: „Why is Berlin interfering in our election process“

December 2023. As part of the program Regional Initiative for combating disinformation “Western Balkans Combatting disinformation Center: Exposing malicious influences through fact-checking and Analytical Journalism“,...

Interviews, Newspaper Sections, Shows and Columns – The Growing Presence of China in the Media in North Macedonia

Collage of photographs by Meta.mk In the media sector in North Macedonia, China applies various strategies to influence the narratives, such as the presence of...

Beleri’s case and Greece blockade

For the past six months, news headlines, discussion panels and television studios have been nourished by hypotheses generated from the situation created between Albania...

EU Does Not Negate the Macedonian Nation, History and Statehood

Photo: Alexander Jungmann on Pixabay The facts show that the EU does not deny the Macedonian language, identity, and statehood in any way whatsoever. The reason why...

How does China promote trade growth with Albania

China’s influence is present in Albania, even though in the form of a “soft power” compared to other countries of the region. Faktoje’s analysis...

Bojana Zorić: Media literacy is crucial in addressing the problem of foreign interference, the youth is a critical voice in addressing the security challenges

“What is important in my view when discussing disinformation is addressing the structural problems, such as media literacy, because Western Balkans have some of...